Johann Lang (Chair)
Prof., Dr. med. vet., Dipl. ECVDI
Head Division of Clinical Radiology
Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine
Vetsuisse Faculty Bern
Länggassstrasse 128,
Postfach CH-3001 Bern, Switzerland

Martin Kramer
Prof. Dr. med. vet., Dipl. ECVDI
Head of the Department
of Veterinary Clinical Sciences,
Small Animal Clinic Justus-Liebig-University Giessen,
Frankfurter Str. 108
35392 Giessen, Germany

Susanne Boroffka
Dr. med. vet., Dipl. ECVDI
Division of Diagnostic Imaging
Utrecht University
Yalelaan 10
3508 TD Utrecht, Netherlands

Susanne Stieger
Dr. med. vet., PhD, Dipl. ECVDI
Dept. of Surgical and Radiological Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine University of California Davis,
One Shields Avenue
CA 95616, USA

Henri van Bree
Prof., DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVDI, Dipl. ECVS
Department of Medical Imaging & Small Animal Orthopaedics
Veterinary Faculty, Ghent University
Salisburylaan 133
9820 Merelbeke, Belgium